an excerpt from the book

You are the miracle. You are reading this book. This book is written with kind intent mainly for your perusal. I had you in mind when I wrote to you, to find you can work happily at the grind. Let’s get together and unwind you and me. We can be free. Everyday you are born again every night you die for the day. You know you are here to stay, to live, love, laugh and play Your Life Away. Read on and do not agree with me if you do not wish to but read me through says this book to you. Return not good with wood. First made for each stage for you to gauge.  What is it you just got and gave? This my dear friends is no ordinary knowledge. You can consider an immense change for the better each day along with spiritual growth accompanying these messages from the other side. A new ability to only see the positive as a love for existence flows through my speech that gets recorded to be present on these papers in black and white as pure and adulterated energy. You want the best and this amazing book will take you to the best always. Words are easy like the vine; faithful love is hard to find he that works with these messages is lucky and wise in the moments. As in this times of world crisis one gets an extra push from nature itself to achieve success in every positive venture.

I have turned around to see the steps I leave behind and all I see is a carpet of floozy rainbow coloured energies of love coming to me from all corners of the universe from all my well loved patients who have been Heal than helped by the forces from time to time. I wish to thank all of them for their feet and cooperation. I will work upon your light and growth always. Where ever you are you can think of me all the forces and we can work for you.

I wish to thank all my fellow workers who have been part of my spiritual circle. My sitter group with whose support I grew to greater and greater abilities.  Now my sitter socal has advanced to great heights and have to spread their wings and fly awhile thus they need me detach from a smaller space into a bigger space Of Giving And imparting. Into the universal fire I follow each with a human smile and light up their lives with my fire burning; detaching even from them as the deed is done. Now I certainly believe that all of you who are reading with me  would be OUR group. The entire universe your guides, forces and YOU in it. All those absent and present valued spiritual friends who have being responsible for my growth. Some have also been responsible for making me want to pull out each hair off my head with the doubts and incomplete faith. As my duty is to impart to all who wish to learn that one must work towards a need from within to realise oneself. A very tough job to perform for there is no telling another of improvisation without appearing like a spiteful being call and caring about on others feelings.   I wish to thank all those of you who have ever come in contact with my forces even once. As even once has registered as a tenfold growth for my forces and me in passing the divine light. My beloved aspirants we welcome you into the Universe of fire of knowledge light and wisdom.