We at Good Hope Workshops welcome you to participate in rejuvenating, growing and learning together with a group of beautiful people, at the most amazing Apta Elysium Resort, 50 kms from Mumbai, in Panvel. 

Amazing outdoor facilities, meditations, automatic writing, tarot readings and all round spiritual growth. 

Dates for this workshop : Aug 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st checkout.  

Workshop fees: Rs. 8,000/- only

Staying in posh A/c rooms, cost of which will come to approx. Rs. 3,500/- per person per night, inclusive of meals.

Will appreciate early confirmations as accommodation is limited and many have already confirmed. 

Get in touch for joining the group in journey or meeting directly at the venue.  

Come one, come all. Join us and let’s have a ball! 

Kashmira K. Elavia

98208 76794